Akashic Records Study Group Questions

Are you interested in the Akashic records or would you like to learn more about how to read the Akashic records? Well this is your chance to find out more. Please join me for a discussion regarding the Akashic records based on Linda Howe’s Book How to Read the Akashic Records. Study questions below:

Your Quest

Why to you think you were drawn to the Akashic Records?  Do you believe there is a Divine reason that you are reading the book?

What has been happening in your life that made you think that it might be your time to learn how to read the Records?

What people or circumstances have influenced you in finding this book at this time?  In what ways have you felt supported by the Universe on this leg of your spiritual journey?

Your Work in the Records

Do you think you have ever been in the Akashic Records just by chance or accident?  If so what happened?  What makes you think you were in the Records at that time?

Have you worked in the Records through another systems like Reiki or hypnosis? what were the results?

What do you hope to gain from learning how to read the Akashic Records.

March 6, 201 3 Study Group Questions

IV. Intuition and the Akashic Records

The distinction between intuition and the Akashic Records is important enough that it deserves its own section here!

1.)   In the book, the author explains how intuition is different from the Akashic Records.  Does her explanation make sense to you?  Why or Why not?

2.)   Do you consider yourself intuitive?  If so, in what ways?  If not why not?

3.)   What does it mean to be an “intuitive” person?  How do you feel about so-called intuitives?  When you think of people you consider to be intuitive, what do you think of them?

4.)   Have you ever consciously tried to develop your intuition?  If so how?  What were the results?  If not, why not?

V. Intuition and the Akashic Records

The author identifies the critical difference between the angels, saints, spirit guides and the Masters, Teachers, and Loved ones and Lords of the records.  The first group is made known to the reader by personality and identity and the second is know by it energy.

1.)  Are you comfortable with the idea of an energetic being without a specific personality?

2.)  Is energy real to you?  How have you experience the presence of energy in your life?

3.)  Do you have a current relationship with angels, saints, and spirit guides?

4.)  What role does that relationship play in your spiritual life?