Quantum Light Property Clearing

Quantum Light Property Clearing

Anxiety is real; anger and emotional abuse are real; gun violence, rape, divorce and cognitive dissonance are real.  No less real is the discordant thoughts commonly known as negative thought patterns which represent an exercise of destructive power.  It takes power of equal or greater magnitude to remove these toxic energies that tend to infect our spaces and consequently affect how peacefully we are able to operate in them. So when things go bump in the night—we bump back.

We make all your space sacred space.  Your business, and home needs an energetic House Cleaning Periodically. Clearing is a raising of frequency of the person, place, or thing; high enough to actualize dynamic mobilization with heightened action potential.  Call (773) 216-9882 for your clearing consultation today.

2000 sq. ft home or less $225.00.  [rps-paypal]

For homes over 2000 sq. ft call (773) 216-9882 for pricing.


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