NES Bio-Energetic Scan 

Wellness is no longer a puzzle. We put all the pieces together.

Experts Choose WellNES.

“I like the accuracy, the effectiveness and the simplicity, but most of all I like the safety.”
Dr. Filomena Trinidade, Expert NES Practitioner

The Total WellNES System lets you detect and correct patterns of energy in your client’s body through an easy 3-step process:

Re-Assess. Re-Juvenate. Re-Imprint.
Re-assess the physiology with ProVision
Re-juvenate and unblock the energy-field with the miHealth
Re-imprint the information of the body’s control system with Infoceuticals

Step one is the ground-breaking software ProVision – that lets you see the unseen
With a single click, and in seconds, it returns a richly detailed overview – including multiple screens and physiologically accurate graphics.

  • See beyond your client’s symptoms
  • See the information the body needs to heal
  • See the distortions in information and clear energy blockages
  • See your client: get well – stay well – excel!

Step two is the powerful, yet safe, miHEALTH hand-held device
miHealth treats injury and pain.
miHealth unblocks and rejuvenates cellular energy.
Easy to use and non-invasive. ProVision tells you where treatment is needed.
miHealth – as seen on The Doctors Show.

Step three is infoceuticals. A wide range of liquid remedies imprinted with proprietary bio-information
It reimprints the body back to its original and optimal blueprint. ProVision recommends the Infoceutical most critical for the body’s wellness based on its physiological assessment.

Here are just a few of the many benefits of the Total wellnes system, bio-feedback, PEMF, and information therapy:

  • ProVision returns recommended protocols to stimulate the client’s innate self-healing ability.
  • Regenerates damaged and diseased tissue.
  • PEMF therapy reduces pain and speeds up healing by stimulating stem cell production.
  • Regenerates damaged and diseased tissue.
  • Resolves performance issues in healthy people and aids recovery after injury or illness.
  • Relieves soreness, stiffness, arthritic conditions, ligament, tendon, muscle or bone injury.
  • Improves circulation – not by increasing heartbeat or blood pressure – but by opening and dilating arteries and capillaries. This also reduces swelling.
  • It’s backed by more than 30 years of scientific research and over a decade of human studies.
  • It’s also widely used in the treatment of bone fractures and torn tendons.
  • Enhances the synthesis of protein cells, allowing the body to take advantage of all protein available.
  • Penetrates deep to relieve muscle soreness.
  • Increases cellular level of oxygen absorption. Studies have shown O2 partial pressure increased 200%.
  • Infoceuticals help to restore the body’s balance and stimulates specific healing responses.
  • Keeps your clients supple, relaxed and fit.
  • And more!